I got something even better, but it points in the same direction. You be the judge.
A broken clock is right twice a day, even if you use accuracy to the 1 billionth of a second. Isn't that incredible?
Two is the base of the binary system, which is indispensable for any digital system. Two is the number of humans that is required to produce life in a natural environment, "2" is required for human life to exist. Also, in mitosis a cell subdivides in two (not three or four or five). Also we have pairs of chromosomes, not triads. Also the day is divided in two stages, day and night. Also it takes two to tango. The miracle of the number two should not be ignored. It's proof that we are special, that we are the center of the attention of Jehovah and Jesus (here's "2" again: two deities, the letter "J" twice). Coincidence? Hell no. Now I am a believer in the divine powers of "2"